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Category Archives: Tickets
How to print multiple tickets for multiple sales
Do you want to print multiple tickets for multiple sales without having to click Print (on the Windows printer dialogue box) for each sale? Go to File | Ticket setup Uncheck Display a prompt before printing tix. When you uncheck … Continue reading
How to add a logo/image to a default or special ticket format in Wintix 6
Do you have a show that requires a unique logo or image (a special ticket format) or do you need to add a logo/image to your default ticket format? PLEASE NOTE: Your image must be around 1″ in diameter and … Continue reading
Color graphic on ticket is fuzzy or grainy when printing on a GoDEX printer
If you have a 300 dpi printer, the graphic or logo should print clearly. You may need to get a better digital logo designed. Show the graphic or logo to your designer and find out if you can get a … Continue reading
How to print a test ticket in Wintix
Here are simple instructions about how to print a test ticket in Wintix once your printer device and driver have been installed on your operating system, as well as in Wintix: Click on File | Ticket setup. Click on the … Continue reading
Are you getting a Syntax Error message when trying to print labels, receipts, reports or tickets?
That indicates that one or more fields on your format contains an expression with incorrect syntax. It may be that you have modified the format and, for instance, changed the Show field by removing the word Show and replacing it … Continue reading
Printer ejecting blank tickets?
Are you using Windows 10? You need to replace your USB 2.0 cable with a USB 3.0 cable. One of our customers, Nanci Romaine of the Coral Lakes Association in Boynton Beach, Florida, reported that their Boca PCL 24/44 300 DPI … Continue reading
How to add a link to buy tickets online in Facebook
You can add a link to your Webtix page in Facebook so patrons can easily buy tickets from your Facebook page. How do you add a link for tickets to your Page’s event? When you create an event from your … Continue reading
Posted in Webtix Online Ticketing, Webtix Rental, Webtix Full License, Tickets
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How to put a coupon on a ticket
If you are using a standard laser printer to print tickets, rather than the traditional 2″ x 5½” thermal ticket format, you can customize your ticket by doing the following: In Wintix, click on File | Ticket setup | Windows … Continue reading
When modifying a ticket format, does a Windows dialogue box, titled ‘Open Picture’ appear?
When modifying a ticket format, a Windows dialogue box, titled Open Picture appears. Here is what’s happening and what to do about it. Go to File| Ticket Setup| Windows Printer Setup Wintix is looking for a graphic (image/logo) that was … Continue reading
“Picture too big, corrupt or in wrong format. You must fix this error before tickets can be printed.”
Do you get this error message when you click on the Windows printer set up in Wintix? A Wintix user reported this issue. The reason she was getting the Windows ‘Open’ dialogue box was that there was an image (a … Continue reading