(Last updated on: June 9, 2022)
Of all the reports in Wintix, this one is arguably the most popular. It gives you information on what shows were sold, on what date and sales information. It can be a valuable tool to determine the busiest times in the box office. You can run it for a single day or a range of date.
- In Wintix, go to Reports | by Day | What shows were sold. The What shows were sold window appears:
- Wintix defaults to the current date, but you can change the starting and ending date to whatever you wish.
- You can also run a Sales item report.
- You can choose whether to include donations.
- You can even run a report for 1 clerk to see what a specific clerk has sold.
- Choose which output file type you would like, then run the report.
- This is an example of a What shows were sold report.