Scantix error codes

(Last updated on: November 8, 2022)

Error code Description Action to be taken (if any)
1 Invalid operation type selected This error code should never come up. If it does, please notify Center Stage Software  immediately. This correlates to the “Scan In/Out/Status” functions.
4 Invalid barcode data This means that the barcode processed was incorrect, and could be a problem with the value supplied to the barcode.
11 Barcode is not complete, authentication information missing This means that the barcode was processed, but was missing the required authentication field. This is caused by poor data-integrity of the seating chart table in the database and a repair operation needs to be done.
12 Barcode is not complete, seat information missing This means that the barcode was processed, but it was unable to locate the seat record within the barcode. It could be an indication of a fraudulent ticket if no seat record was found.
13 Seat authentication mismatch occurred This means that the authentication code assigned to the seat has changed. This can be caused by sale being exchanged and a new sale has been assigned. It could also be an indication of a fraudulent ticket.
21 No sales record attached to seat This means that a valid seat record was found, but no sales record was attached. This could be an indication of a fraudulent ticket.
22 Unable to locate seat record This indicates that the seat was unable to be located. It could be caused by a performance being deleted and the corresponding chart records being deleted as well. It could also be an indication of a fraudulent ticket.
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