How to get links (quicklinks) to a show or performance (links or buy button codes) – Wintix 6

(Last updated on: March 5, 2024)

When designing your organization’s website, have you wanted to post your events using a poster or photo like the one below? It’s really easy to link your website’s show banners to specific show dates and times in Webtix.

There are a few ways to do this.

Get a hyperlink from your Webtix page

  • Go to your Webtix page. It will look something like<YOURWEBTIXPAGENAME>.
  • You will see your list of events/shows.
  • Left click the Purchase button for the show you wish to link to your graphic.

  • When you land on the page with the performance dates, highlight the URL in the address bar of your web browser.

  • Right click on the address bar and you will see a menu appear.
  • Click Copy.
  • That is your link to your show that you would insert into your web site.

Right click the purchase button

  • Using your mouse, do a right click on the Purchase button and click Copy link location or address.  Paste the link onto your buy tickets button on your website.

Get a quick link or button code from your Webtix admin login page

You can get a quick link or button code from Center Stage Software. Your patrons can click on the photo and go directly to the Webtix online ticketing shopping cart and choose from a list of performances.

Here is how you do it . . .

  • Go to your Webtix admin login page:<YOURWEBTIXPAGENAME>/admin.php

Please note: Center Stage Software uses several servers and the “X” is the number (either 4, 5, or 6) depending on which server your Wintix and Webtix version 5 or version 6 reside.

  • Log into your Webtix admin.php page by using your clerk name and password from Wintix.

NOTE: Here is information on adding Webtix permissions for any clerk. This link refers to promoters, but it is the same for your in-house clerks:

  • Once you’ve logged in to your admin page in Webtix, click on the Shows | Show Utilities dropdown menu on the left side. Then click on Website quick-links for shows.

  • On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a list of shows with three buttons:
    • Button code
    • Link code
    • Performance
  • You can get a Button or Link code to the show by clicking Button Code or Link Code on the Show.
  • Or get a button/link code to each performance.  Click on Performances for the show , and download a Button Code and a Link Code for each performance.

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