Displaying seating charts in colors

(Last updated on: April 8, 2024)

You can customize your seating plan colors by changing what is in the Status field for the seat.

  • Go to Tools | Seating plans.
  • Choose the seating plan you wish to work on.
  • Double-click on a seat and the Data window appears.
  • Click on the down arrow next to the Status field to see your choices.

data 2

Depending on the ascii characters you put in the plan, the background color will change. This is very handy for giving everyone a visual alert that certain sections of the plan are for particular price codes only (scale the house).

  • The default Character  249 is a high dot on an aqua background:


  • Character 254 is a black block on a red background:


  • Character  248 is a degree symbol on a purple background:


  • Character 232  is the Greek letter phi on an orange background:


  • Wheelchair seats (W) and companion seats (w) are on a white background:


  • House seats are usually H. They appear as sold online. No one can sell them until you go back in and change the seat status to some other price category that is in your show.

IMPORTANT: After you make changes, go to Tools | Seating plans. Highlight the plan and click Update all charts that are based on this plan.

NOTE: Wintix will not let you change the status of a seat that has been sold.

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