How to sell parking permits with specific dates online with Webtix

(Last updated on: August 18, 2016)

Click here for instructions if you don’t want the permits to have dates.

  • In Wintix, go to Show | Utilities | Add a new show, so you don’t have to worry about inputting any dates. Enter an event called Parking Permit. See screen shot below:

  • Follow the instructions here on adding “performance dates” since you need to have dates on your parking permits.
  • Your Editing a show window will now look something like this:

perf times

  • Notice we have checked the Keep track of seats remaining box.
  • For each day you sell parking tickets, you will need to double click on the date.
  • On the Options tab, input the Total capacity and Seats Remaining.
  • Make sure Use a seating chart is unchecked.

  • Go to the On & off sale tab.
  • Choose when the parking permits go on and off sale.
  • Make sure the Exclude from internet sales box is unchecked.

  • For the final step, from the Edit a show window, go to Internet options | Domains to make sure the domain Internet has been input and you have chosen the price categories and payment type boxes.


  • Don’t forget to go to your Webtix shopping cart to make sure the “performances” are displaying the way they should.

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