Add form choices (formchoices) to the showinfo3 tab

(Last updated on: April 20, 2021)

Form choices (a little drop down menu) are extremely useful for allowing patrons to choose all manner of things when they make a purchase online. Here are a few examples:

  • Which shows they want to see from a season package
  • Class registrations
  • Food choices

If you want your patrons to use form choices during their purchase, they are input in the Showinfo3 tab.

  • Wintix 5: Go to Show | Edit a show (or Edit a season package) | <choose show or package> | Internet options button | Showinfo3 tab
  • Wintix 6: Go to Show | Edit a show (or Edit a season package) | <choose show or package> | Internet options tab | Showinfo3 tab

showinfo3 1

NOTE: You can do it on your own if you, or someone you know, is proficient in HTML. If not, please contact or call 831-583-0641. We can input for you for an affordable fee.

In the above example, we are asking patrons about a seating preference. This is what it looks like in Webtix:

seat preference

This is what it looks like in the sales record:

css 5

By default, Wintix will display the words Form Choice OptionsĀ in the sales record. If you don’t want it to, click here.

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