How to sell class registrations through Wintix & Webtix

(Last updated on: March 5, 2024)

Do you conduct classes at your theatre or organization? You can easily sell registrations using Wintix and Webtix.

You can set them up as either shows or season tickets. The biggest difference is that if you set them up as shows, each class will have a date attached to it. If you set them up as season tickets, they won’t.

There are a couple of ways to create a registration form, too.

  • If you can write HTML, you can also use Wintix to create a registration form.
  • In Edit a show, go to the Internet options tab. The HTML to create the registration elements is entered in the Showinfo3 tab.
  • Unless you or someone at your organization is proficient at HTML, it’s best to contact us and let us know which questions you want to include for online registrants.

  • In our example, this is what the registration form looks like online.







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