Set permissions for clerk to “Include off sale shows”

(Last updated on: June 24, 2024)

A Wintix user reported that when she was selling tickets, many of her shows that had already passed but had not been archived, were not on the list.  We instructed her while she was in the Select the Show tab, to check the Include the off sale shows box.

She said there was no such check box. The area where the box should be was blank.

If a particular clerk doesn’t see the box Include the off sale shows, then that clerk doesn’t have permissions to sell shows that have gone off sale.

To change the permissions for that, you will need to have the sysadm password to log in to Wintix:

  • Go to Tools | Password | Edit the list of users
  • You will be prompted to log in as sysadm
  • The default password for user: sysadm is also sysadm
  • If the user name: sysadm with password: sysadm does not work, then someone has changed the default password for the user sysadm
  • You will need that password to proceed to the next step
  • A window Clerks, passwords and permissions will come up
  • Highlight the clerk name you are changing permissions for
  • Click on Permissions

  • Un-check the permission Sell only today’s shows and later
  • Un-check the permission Sell only today’s shows
  • Click Save

  • Now close the Clerks, passwords, and permissions window.
  • Close Wintix
  • Have the clerk log in and check to be sure they now have the Include the off sale shows button when doing a regular sale.
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