Export emails from a show that is archived

(Last updated on: December 4, 2017)

In Wintix, click on Report | By Show | Run of Show | choose Oldsales.  (See screen shot below.)

  • In Wintix 5, we often choose to run it to a  DBF file (and convert it to a spreadsheet). The output file is RunOfShowReport.  You can rename that to whatever you like.
old sales

Wintix 5

  • In Wintix 6, you can run the report directly to a spreadsheet.

Wintix 6

  • Click on the Run Report button. If you use the same Output file name RunOfShowReport, you will see this prompt appear:


  • Choose item # 1. You will be able to then access the same report in your spreadsheet program.
  • If you have Wintix 5, the next window that appears is the following (see screen shot below):

copy to spreadsheet

  • Choose # 2. Wintix always saves the file to your C:\tix7\Output\RunOfShowReport or other chosen name.  The file will now open using your system’s spread sheet program. (See screen shot below for an example of what it will look like.)

spreadsheet 2

  • Remove the columns that you don’t need. Look for the email addresses at or near Column EE. (See screen shot below.)


  • Remove any patrons whose email addresses aren’t listed.
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