error 14

(Last updated on: October 15, 2015)

The following are instructions for what to do if your online Webtix customers try to buy tickets and are given the following message, once they have proceeded to the site for payment:

The following errors have occurred.

(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid. Error 14 means there is an settings misconfiguration disallowing the relay response link provided with transaction data.


  • Log into
  • Click on Settings  (see screen shot below).


  • Once you click on Settings, you will see the following screen.
  • Click on Response/Receipt URLs.

format 2

  •  When you click on the Response/ Receipt URLs, you will see the page below. Click on the Edit link under the Default Receipt URL as well as the Default Relay Response URL.

format 3

When you click on either Edit link, the page below is what you may see. The URL field should be blank. If not, delete the contents of the field and click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.  This should eliminate the Error 14 message.

format 4

NOTE:  A couple of our clients did follow these instructions, however, they still were receiving the Error 14 message when attempting an online transaction in Webtix.  We first thought there was a caching problem, but it ended up not being the issue.

When at the “Response/ Receipt URLs” page (see screen shot below), there was a listing of a few links with and other URL links associated with the specific theatre website links.  One of our clients clicked on the “Delete” button to remove the additional URL links. He then clicked on each of the Edit buttons which had blank URL fields.  He then did a “Ctrl-A” (this highlights the area of text) in the box to capture anything that might have been there in the field, but remained hidden. Then clicked the “submit” button.  He then attempted an online purchase in Webtix . . . no more error 14.

payment gateway

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