(Last updated on: October 21, 2015)
- Save your backup.sql file in the local C:\Tix7\Output folder (this is the default).
- Bring up a command prompt (DOS) window.
- Type cd c:\Tix7\Output.
- Press Enter. Type dir and press Enter. You will get a listing of files. You should be able to figure out the latest backup file.
- Type the following command exactly as it appears below (except for the name of the SQL file, which will change according to the date it was created), including spaces:
- mysql -u root -p –database tix7 < WintixBackup_month_date_year (ie. 2012).sql
- IMPORTANT! What looks like one dash before database tix7 is actually TWO dashes!
- Hit Enter.
- The cursor will flash until the restore is done.
- When the flashing cursor comes back to the C:\Tix7\Output prompt, the restore will be done. Open Wintix and confirm that the data is current and correct.
- A blank root password is bad security. However, this is the database default.
- When it asks for your password, press enter (the root password is blank).
- If you are working on a Linux server, the command and files names are case sensitive.
If you get a message, “not recognized as an internal or external command” that could mean:
A) You are not actually on the server.
B) The MySQL server is not in the path (set up when installing the server). Therefore, you must run the command like this:
“C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL server 5.5\bin\mysql -u root -p –database tix7 < {name of backup file}”