What to do with sales from a cancelled show with General Admission

(Last updated on: September 30, 2015)

You don’t have to cancel the sale.

There are a couple of ways to go about this:

1) Go to the Tickets tab and replace the number of tickets to zero.  See below:
The sale was originally for two tickets.  We went to the Tickets tab and zeroed out the amount.

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Go to the Payment tab and zero out the amount and indicate the payment type.

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Go to the General information tab and make notes in the Remarks field.

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2) The second way – and probably your accountant would prefer – is to put a negative number in the Tickets tab.

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Follow the same steps as the first procedure.

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Go to the General information tab and input your comments.

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Now, you can run a report for the show that will show which transactions were refunded.

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