Wintix update 7-6-23

A Wintix update was released Thursday, July 6, 2023.

Your build date will be 7/6/23; 2:43:36 pm

This latest update has the following changes:

  • Stripe and payments are working and calculating correctly.
    You can add information to display online in a season ticket package using the Perf info fields. This is something that has always been available for regular shows. We’ve added two buttons, Perf Info 1 and Perf Info 2, to the season ticket form.
  • When editing the Perf info fields for a season ticket, Wintix will check to see if there is a shows record for that season ticket. If it is not found, a new shows record is entered.
    Images for both the show and season ticket have relaxed restrictions.
    There are labels underneath the show images. These labels tell how big the files are.


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