Add special price or comp during GA sale or season package

(Last updated on: January 4, 2024)

Did you know you can add a special price or a comp (complimentary) ticket while selling a GA (general admission) show or season package?

  • A comp ticket is complimentary so the price is 0 (zero).
  • Special price is defined as a specially priced ticket that may be offered to a certain kind of attendee, group sale, single performance or season package.
  • There are two buttons you will find when you are selecting tickets for a GA sale or season package:
    • Add special price tickets
    • Add comps

IMPORTANT: If you use $ or 0 (zero) as regular price categories, they will not work as a special price ticket. You must remove the $ or 0 (zero) in the price categories within the Run of Show and Prices and Categories.

  • When you click the Add special price tickets button for example, a window will open for you to input the special price and the price category Special price tix will appear.

  • If you click on the Add comps button, a 0 (zero) and the price category Comps will appear.

  • In our example, we will sell two special price and two comps.

Here is what the sales record looks like.

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