Webtix fix 12-17-21

(Last updated on: April 8, 2022)

Sales processing issue in latest Webtix update has been resolved

As you know, there was a Webtix update uploaded at 8:43 Pacific Standard Time. Some of our clients reported problems processing sales. We were able to locate the problem within the new Webtix release.

The issue has been resolved as of 10:15 PST. If you have had sales during this time period and the sales didn’t record, you will need to re-input the sales in Wintix that are recorded in Authorize.net. We recommend you take Webtix off sale while you input the seats that have already been sold.

Please let us know if you need any help.

We apologize for this. One of the tools we use to track issues did not flag us when the problem occurred.

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