Where to input/display COVID protocol or other important information in Wintix for display in Webtix

(Last updated on: November 12, 2021)

Covid protocols seem like they change all the time right now. Did you know you can:

  • Have us add a pop up window about Covid requirements to display on the Webtix checkout page.
  • Add information in Wintix to display in Webtix to inform your patrons about requirements.

A pop up window

  • Center Stage Software can add a pop up window that will appear when buyers click the link for the Covid Policy under Terms & Conditions.
  • Please contact info@centerstage.com for more details.

Add text in Wintix for display in Webtix

It’s easy to add text and change it when necessary.

Here is an example. This is what it looks like on one of our customer’s Webtix page. They added bold, red, information about vaccine or testing requirements right where people are buying tickets. They also added a hyperlink to their webpage that has more information and details.


This is how they added it in Wintix.

  • Go to Show | Edit a show | Internet options tab | Showinfo tab.
  • In this example, they used some HTML to format their text but you can just add plain text.

This post will tell you more about other text you can add in Wintix for display in Webtix

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