How to run a report on more than one show at a time for Wintix 6

Want to run a report on multiple shows at one time? What if you want to run a report with more than one show on old shows that are now archived.

You can do it through the Season ticket report.

  • Go to Reports | by Show | Season tickets

There are several option to display what you need:

  • By default, all the season tickets will be checked to include. At the upper right, you can click the Select all or Clear all button to choose.
  • If you select the only Season tix radio button, the report will include all season tickets from both mainsales and oldsales.
  • If you select the All shows radio button, the report will any shows you choose, not just season tickets.
  • You can also pick a variety of formats for your report.

Here is an example of what the report looks like this when run the report to a PDF for just the totals:

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