Setting up Webtix shopping carts

(Last updated on: March 21, 2019)

Please note: this is for our internal support team…

  1. Before any work is done, Diane sends a quote and the Wintix  Center Stage Software support provisions and Webtix shopping cart for the client to review, complete, and email back to Diane. Once the quote has been approved and the docs completed and received by Center Stage Software, then the upgrade process will begin.  If Center Stage Software is already hosting their database, then there is no need for the client to backup their Wintix files and upload to us.For clients who are not being hosted by Center Stage Software, we usually send instructions to have our clients backup their database and upload to our dropbox account. If you need help with the dropbox, click here.
  2. Next, we convert their database to v 6 database structure.
  3. Once database is converted, we generate the connection string and the passwords for Wintix and Webtix, then input this information into our clients’ maillist record in the memo field at the very top. We then email our Center Stage Software team that the database has been converted.
  4. We then contact the client to schedule the installation of Wintix on computers, and begin setting up the Webtix shopping cart.
  5. Once the Webtix shopping cart has been installed, we email the client that the shopping cart is ready for testing.  We also test the shopping cart and make sure all the settings have configured properly and they work.
  6. Any emails to our clients during the upgrade process should be cc’d to Diane, Twila, David Hile and Bruce.  If there’s any problems with the servers, make sure and include Dale on these emails as well.
  7. Make sure David knows when the installations have been completed so he can followup with scheduling training.
  8. Lastly, we use Google docs to record our progress.
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