How to add multiple performance dates for a show in Wintix 6

(Last updated on: January 14, 2022)

  • Go to Show | Edit a show and click on the Add multiple dates button.

  • A new window will appear.

  • Set your starting date and ending date.
  • Set your Defaults. We will choose the most common performance time, which in this example is 8:00 pm.
  • Click Generate times and Wintix will autofill each day of the week with the default time you have chosen.

  • Now we edit the defaults. In this example, we have a 2 pm performance on Sunday and Mon., Tues., Wed., are dark so we remove those times.

  • Add your Run of show prices.
  • If you have reserved seats, attach a seating chart to your first performance.
  • The prices and seating charts, will be carried through to all added performances, as will the ticket format you choose.
  • Click Add performances and Wintix will autofill from the starting to the ending date. It will copy all the data from the original performance.



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One Response to How to add multiple performance dates for a show in Wintix 6

  1. Pingback: Add a new date to a show in Wintix 6 | Center Stage Software Help Desk

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