Webtix5 release 2012.09.20

(Last updated on: September 20, 2012)

Code modifications include:
1) Enhanced session cleaning to retain Search, Domain, Customer, and other recurring information when appropriate.
2) Enhanced checkout display making the add-to-cart buttons disable-able via the language file settings.
3) Enhanced RTT multi-chart image display from Webtix.
4) Enhanced Authorize.net SIM to auto-disable/enable Authorize.net email to patron settings based on Webtix configurations.  (Webtix already would send it’s own email purchase receipts.)
5) Relocated some of “lib.php” function includes to more appropriate files where used for performance optimization purposes.  You should re-merge any modifications that you might have with latest code regarding “process.php”, “preprocess.php”, “process_cc.php”, and “info_checkoutQuestions.php”.
6) Changed default caching from APC to File.  APC and other Zend_Cache Backends can still be enabled via “config.php” settings.

Files Updated Since Webtix5 release 2012.09.05:

  • events.php
  • checkout.php
  • preprocess.php
  • process.php
  • selectseats_bchart.php
  • selecttix_ichart.php
  • selecttix_nochart.php
  • _includes/info_cart.php
  • _includes/info_tix.php
  • _includes/info_checkoutQuestions.php
  • _includes/lib.php
  • _includes/lib_connectDatabase.php
  • _includes/libf_validateCartSession.php
  • _includes/process_cc.php
  • _includes/module_payment/process_cc_authorize_nossl_lib.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selectseats_bchart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selecttix_ichart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selecttix_nochart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_chartImage.php
  • _includes/admin_testRequirements.php
  • _includes/test_version.php
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