how to switch from Test Mode to Live Mode

(Last updated on: October 19, 2015)

If you are using as your credit card internet gateway, and you have your Webtix set up completely the way you want it, you will need to switch from Test Mode to Live Mode, so you can begin selling tickets. It’s very simple.

  1. Log into
  2. While in the home page, you will see Account | Settings.  Click on Settings.
  3. When the next window appears, you will see a heading Security Settings with a sub category General Security Settings.
  4. Under General Security Settings you will see Live Mode since your account is in Test mode.  When in Live Mode you will see Test Mode.
  5. Click on Test Mode.
  6. Find the button Turn live on and click on it. This should enable your payment gateway to begin accepting live credit card transactions.


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