Webtix rental setup options

(Last updated on: March 15, 2021)

Setup options for the Webtix rental

  1. Default timezone = Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific

  2. returnToFirstPage = “” // after a sale is completed, where will the customer be returned

  3. cPromoSaleStatus = ‘$’ // character used to determine promotional seat placement on best-available chart

  4. cExcludeStatus = “HhWw” // If marked on the seating plan, these seats will not be salable (they will be displayed as sold seats.

  5. askForDonation = false // (true or false) request donation before credit-card payment

  6. seatingChartInterface = image or checkbox (almost everyone wants image

  7. displayRowLabelInChartSeatCell = false // (true or false) displays the chart Row Label above the seat image or checkbox. This is practical only with seating plans with less than 300 seats.

  8. displayColumnLabelInChartSeatCell = false // (true or false) displays the chart Column Label above the seat image or checkbox. This is practical only with seating plans with less than 300 seats.

  9. useCustomerPassword = true // Do you want your customers to have the option to enter a password for their account

  10. useEventSortOrder = false // display the events in the sort order same as Wintix

  11. alwaysDisplayShowDatesPage = false // (true or false) If only one performance is available, purchase of that performance is auto-selected in Webtix. This setting (when ‘true’) will prevent that auto-selection to always display ‘showdates.php’ just like when multiple performances are available.

  12. disableTheatreSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  13. disableLocationSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  14. disableEventTypeSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  15. disableWeekSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  16. disableMonthSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  17. fixedTicketDeliveryId = false // (false or a valid Id number form ‘ticket_delivery’ table) Sometimes you want to force Webtix users to a specific delivery method and not have the select option display online.


// Email Settings

  1. sendEmailReceipt = true // Tells Webtix to send an emailed receipt to the customer.

  2. emailReceiptsToAdmin = true // Tells Webtix to send an emailed receipt to admin.

  3. notifyPromoterWhenSeatsAvailAre = 5

  4. emailFrom = “Webtix”

  5. emailFromName = “webtix@centerstage.com”

  6. emailNotify = “admin@centerstage.com”

  7. Render_PDF_Tickets = true // email PDF tickets on confirmation email

  8. PDF_Tickets_Per_Page = 4 // the number of tickets to appear per page in the PDF

// Credit Card Settings

  1. saveCcNumber = “partial” // (none, partial) – save credit card to database

  2. processCards = true // true or false – Will Webtix process credit cards?

  3. cc_module = “authorize” //authorize_nossl, cashnet_nossl,authorize, usaepay, merchantplus, isecure,pccharge, wintix) credit card processor module

  4. cc_error_tolerance = 3 // number of tries a customer has to attempt cc processing per session

  5. cc_login = “” // login used to access credit card processor

  6. cc_key = “” // key or password for using with login. . .

// Reporting Options – what to include as options available

  1. lRemarks = “TRUE”

  2. lDateSold = “TRUE”

  3. lAddress = “TRUE”

  4. lPhone = “TRUE”

  5. lEmail = “TRUE”

  6. lTixPrnDate = “TRUE”

  7. lPricesFormat = “TRUE”

// Length of time for determining release of abandoned pending records

  1. releasePending = “20 minutes”

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