Card declined. Hold for review.

(Last updated on: August 17, 2023)

Are your patrons trying to purchase tickets and it seems like their card gets declined? Even when they try other credit cards, they still seem declined? After several tries, then Wintix sends them a confirmation email with tickets.

They may not be declined, however, because they are under “authorized, but hold for review” rule in


The issue is most likely the settings in your fraud detection suite of There are multiple settings that have different final steps for failed card charging. In this example, the final steps are Hold for Review.

Hold for Review sends a Code 4 response to Webtix which Webtix treats as a confirmation code. That means that even though the card was not charged, is sending a signal that it was.

In the fraud detection suite,change any setting that says hold for review to decline. Any filter that does not offer the choice of declining the transaction should not be used to avoid this issue.

It’s a bit confusing because the monies are there and authorized, but the transaction is still not settled. The monies will be released once you review them if those are the settings you have chosen.

You need to make those decisions about what you will allow vis a vis addresses and zip codes.

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