How to backup your Wintix 6 database to Center Stage

(Last updated on: November 16, 2021)

IMPORTANT: After you do the backup of your data and upload it to us…

  • If we are hosting and converting your database for an upgrade, do NOT use Wintix 6 on any computer until further notice from us.
  • If we just need to examine your database for troubleshooting, you may continue to use Wintix. 

Center Stage Software uses Dropbox for Wintix data uploads.

  • In Wintix, go to Tools | Backup | Backup data.

  • A Command prompt window will open. Leave this open until your backup completes.


  • Click the Add files button.

  • Once you have chosen your file, the next screen you’ll see is this:

  • Enter your name and email address, then click the Upload button.
  • Once your upload is complete, you will see the message below and we will receive notice that we have your uploaded data.


IMPORTANT: After you do the backup of your data and upload it to us, do NOT use Wintix 6 on any computer until further notice from us.

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