How to use one price category for multiple, unlimited price levels

(Last updated on: May 5, 2022)

Did you know that Wintix 6 allows you to use the same price category for unlimited price levels? For example, you can have several price categories listed as A, with different prices that correspond to different types of tickets.

Here is an example. A Wintix user wanted to use price category A for several prices because their volunteers were used to using an A. So she set it up like this:

Mainstage A – $40.00
Kids Shows A – $15.00
Concerts A – $50.00

Here is how to set this up and how it works.

Click the Add a price button.

  • Click the ellipsis to the right on the Letter on the seating chart field.
  • A window will appear asking you if you are sure you want to do it. Click Yes.

  • Now you can add the details.
  • By adding a detailed description, you will be able to run reports and determine which exact category A was sold.

  • Now you can see there are three price category A designations.

  • Now, when you select a seat in a show for price category A, a window pops up.
  • Select the desired category.

That’s it! You are all done.


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