Emailing setup instructions for Postmark – Wintix 6

(Last updated on: October 11, 2021)

  • Click on File | Email settings.
  • Fill out the form (see below for specifics) and click on Save settings.
  • Mail server:
  • Ports can be 25, 2525, or 587.
    • When using the Standard radio button, input port 25 or 2525.
    • If you want the emails to be encrypted, choose the Encrypted radio button and change port to 587.
  • You can check the box “Send with SSL” or not.  If SSL is a concern, then check the box and save settings.
  • Username: call support for user name
  • Password: call support for password
  • Sender name – Client’s sender name
  • Sender email MUST be
  • NOTE: The username and password in the screenshots are blank due to security protocols. Please contact and we will contact you by phone or email and give you the username and password credentials.

  • When you email, you will get a form like this.

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