We back up your Wintix 6 data automatically

We make replicates of your Wintix data before you can blink an eye –

You don’t have to back up Wintix anymore if we host your data!

Backing up used to be crucial. It still is, but computer hardware is much more reliable now.

We use big, fast servers from AWS that come in pairs. When you write to one server, it automatically writes to the backup server. If one server fails (which happens every six months or so), there is a “switchover.” This means that a third server is grabbed from the AWS pool, configured, and reloaded with the Wintix data.

The original (failed) server is shut down and the staff notified. The new server starts taking the load. The changeover time is about 10 minutes.  If we need to restore from an earlier backup, we can select what date and time we want. It takes about an hour.

This valuable service we provide means you never have to worry about losing any data.

We still recommend doing backups in Wintix (click on Tools | Backup). But it is less important than it used to be.

Uh oh…  still hosting your own Wintix database?

Unfortunately, we can’t provide this important service if we aren’t connected to your Wintix database.

It’s still crucial that you back up Wintix every day.

You can choose to back up remotely to a computer in your network.

If you are a bit tech savvy, you can have your computer automatically back up your data.

You can use the old standby methods of a floppy, thumb drive or external hard drive.

Or you can call us and see how we can provide replication services by hosting your database. Email info@centerstage.com or call Diane Rowe (831.583.0641).

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