Webtix sales: shipping address versus billing address

(Last updated on: December 15, 2015)

If someone orders through Webtix and wants to send a gift, it is necessary to provide a shipping address if it is different than the billing address. How does Webtix handle this?

  • Webtix does not capture the shipping address from the Authorize.net receipt.
  • The shipping address form is located on your Authorize.net payment form page
  • When you receive your Authorize.net receipt, the shipping address should display on the receipt. If it does not, you can log in to your Authorize.net account, and follow the instructions below on how to add a shipping address to your form.
  • Here is what the billing and shipping information looks like to your patron on Authorize.net.


The instructions below show you how to add the shipping information to your Authorize.net page.

  • While at the home page of Authorize.net, under Account, click on Settings.

settings 2

  • Next, under Transaction Format Settings, click on Payment Form.

payment form 3

  • Under Payment Form, click on Form Fields.

form fields 2

  • The following is the next screen that will be displayed.  Check the appropriate boxes you want displayed in the Authorize.net payment form.  At the bottom of this form, there is a preview and submit button so you can see how the form will be displayed by the online patron.


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