Changing the Webtix shopping cart time out default of 20 minutes

(Last updated on: November 17, 2014)

If you are using Webtix for online sales, the default time for the shopping cart to time out is 20 minutes.

While you can choose any amount of minutes for it to time out, we would like to give you a word of warning when reducing the Webtix shopping cart time out from the default of 20 minutes to a shorter time such as 10 minutes.

Customers can take a surprisingly long time to complete a sale. This is especially true when it come times to pay.

If they have to look for their credit card, then read the instructions on the screen,  then enter the card number, expiration, and cvv2, this can easily take up the remaining time. Once the time is up, the seats will be released.

The result is a sale that is paid for – but there are no tickets because they will already be on the payment page. If the cart has timed out, the payment page will no longer be connected to Webtix.

If our Webtix clients request us to reduce the shopping cart time-out to 10 minutes, we will certainly do so.  However, we recommend that you keep careful track of the reports and make sure it agrees with the Wintix Daily Sales Reports.

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