Webtix6 release 2014.06.11

Code modifications include:
1) Enhanced seating chart by adding double corner images.
2) Enhanced session handling to work better on AWS Elastic Beanstalk or other competitor PHP server farms.
3) Enhanced best available seating functionality.

Files Updated Since Webtix6 release 2014.05.16:

  • admin.php
  • checkout.php
  • customer.php
  • events.php
  • event-details.php
  • feed.php
  • preprocess.php
  • process.php
  • receipt.php
  • tickets.php
  • _media/image_187.gif
  • _media/image_201.gif
  • _includes/admin_batchProcess.php
  • _includes/class_PdoSessionHandler.php
  • _includes/class_WebtixSessionHandler.php
  • _includes/config_template.php
  • _includes/feed_icalendar.php
  • _includes/feed_rss.php
  • _includes/lib_connectDatabase.php
  • _includes/libf_renderSeatingChart.php
  • _includes/libf_renderSeatingChart.old.php
  • _includes/libf_selectTheSeats.php
  • _includes/test_database.php
  • _includes/test_php.php
  • _includes/module_tickets_barcode/debug.php
  • _includes/lib.php
  • _includes/test_version.php
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