Webtix5 release 2014.05.16

(Last updated on: June 12, 2014)

Code modifications include:
1) Enhanced email receipt functionality regarding ticket-count, multi-cart orders, and consolidated receipt mode.
2) Enhanced the event select box adding scroll-bar for really long lists.
3) Enhanced PayPal code regarding multi-cart orders.

Files updated since Webtix5 release 2014.03.15:

  • _media/selectbox-css.php
  • _includes/libf_prepareReceiptShowData.php
  • _includes/module_payment/process_cc_paypal_nossl_lib.php
  • _includes/module_payment/process_cc_paypal_nossl.php
  • _includes/module_payment/paypal-NVP-API.php
  • _includes/admin_testRequirements.php
  • _includes/test_version.php
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