The Publicity Report by show or range of dates

(Last updated on: May 12, 2017)

When you choose to collect publicity while selling tickets, you can run two types of publicity reports.

  1. A Publicity Report by run of show.
  2. A Publicity Report by range of dates.

These reports are useful to sales and marketing managers in evaluating the effectiveness of various publicizing efforts. (For further instructions on setting up and activating publicity
codes click here.)

How to run a Publicity Report by run of show

  • In Wintix, go to Reports | By show | Publicity. The Publicity report window appears.

  • Highlight (click once) on the show you want.
  • Choose your output.
  • Click on the Run report button.
  • NOTE: You can choose to run a report for more than one show by using Ctrl+click or Shift+click.

Here is an example of the report.

How to run a Publicity Report by range of sale dates

In Wintix, go to Reports | By day | Publicity report. The Publicity report for a range of sale dates window appears.

  • Choose which shows you want included in the report.
  • Choose the Starting date and Ending date.
  • Choose which format you prefer and click the Run the report button.

Here is an example of the report.

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