Webtix5 release 2011.12.17

Code modifications include:
1) Enhanced ADA code for better seating chart functionality.
2) Enhanced ADA code with optional ADA-Price-Code turn-off feature for those needing use of price-codes “wxWX” on non-ADA purposes.

Files Updated Since Webtix5 release 2011.11.30:

  • selecttix_bchart.php
  • selecttix_ichart.php
  • selecttix_nochart.php
  • selectseats_ichart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selecttix_bchart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selecttix_nochart.php
  • _includes/module_rtt/rtt_selectseats_ichart.php
  • _includes/config_template.php
  • _includes/admin_testRequirements.php
  • _includes/test_version.php
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