Where to install Wintix if you are using FundRaiser

(Last updated on: November 24, 2015)

Make sure that the Wintix program is installed on the computer in which FundRaiser is (or will be) installed.

Wintix needs to be installed on the server where FundRaiser is installed. FundRaiser cannot access Wintix on workstations.  It needs to access a copy that is on the same machine on which FundRaiser is installed, typically the server.

To find where FundRaiser is already installed, you can usually find FundRaiser installed below the Tix folder on the server, like:


On a new install, ask the user if they know where they plan to install FundRaiser.

Specifically, you need to:

  1. Install the Wintix program on the server on which FundRaiser is (or will be) installed, not just on the workstations.
  2. And, set up the Wintix folder as a shared folder with Full Control permissions for each user or user group that will be using FundRaiser.  You do this on the Security tab of the Properties window for the Wintix top level folder.
    1. Then click the Advanced button to put a checkmark on Replace permission entries on all child objects…
    2. If you want to, you can remove Take Ownership and Change Permissions (click the Edit button on the Advanced Security Settings window to get to these for each Permissions entry).

While in that Edit window, do NOT check Apply these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container only.

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