Webtix rental options

(Last updated on: May 9, 2018)

Setup options for the Webtix rental
These are options that we can change for you. Some of them are more important others. For instance, if you do not have a credit card login and key, you will not be able to collect money.

  1. Default timezone = Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific

  2. returnToFirstPage = “” // after a sale is completed, where will the customer be returned

  3. cPromoSaleStatus = ‘$’ // character used to determine promotional seat placement on best-available chart

  4. cExcludeStatus = “HhWw” // If marked on the seating plan, these seats will not be salable (they will be displayed as sold seats.

  5. askForDonation = false // (true or false) request donation before credit-card payment

  6. seatingChartInterface = image or checkbox (almost everyone wants image

  7. displayRowLabelInChartSeatCell = false // (true or false) displays the chart Row Label above the seat image or checkbox. This is practical only with seating plans with less than 300 seats.

  8. displayColumnLabelInChartSeatCell = false // (true or false) displays the chart Column Label above the seat image or checkbox. This is practical only with seating plans with less than 300 seats.

  9. useCustomerPassword = true // Do you want your customers to have the option to enter a password for their account

  10. useEventSortOrder = false // display the events in the sort order same as Wintix

  11. alwaysDisplayShowDatesPage = false // (true or false) If only one performance is available, purchase of that performance is auto-selected in Webtix. This setting (when ‘true’) will prevent that auto-selection to always display ‘showdates.php’ just like when multiple performances are available.

  12. disableTheatreSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  13. disableLocationSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  14. disableEventTypeSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  15. disableWeekSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  16. disableMonthSearch = false // (true or false) You can disable this search option on events.php by changing the value to true.

  17. fixedTicketDeliveryId = false // (false or a valid Id number form ‘ticket_delivery’ table) Sometimes you want to force Webtix users to a specific delivery method and not have the select option display online.

// Email Settings

  1. sendEmailReceipt = true // Tells Webtix to send an emailed receipt to the customer.

  2. emailReceiptsToAdmin = true // Tells Webtix to send an emailed receipt to admin.

  3. notifyPromoterWhenSeatsAvailAre = 5

  4. emailFrom = “Webtix”

  5. emailFromName = “webtix@centerstage.com”

  6. emailNotify = “admin@centerstage.com”

  7. Render_PDF_Tickets = true // email PDF tickets on confirmation email

  8. PDF_Tickets_Per_Page = 4 // the number of tickets to appear per page in the PDF

// Credit Card Settings

  1. saveCcNumber = “partial” // (none, partial) – save credit card to database

  2. processCards = true // true or false – Will Webtix process credit cards?

  3. cc_module = “authorize” //authorize_nossl, cashnet_nossl,authorize, usaepay, merchantplus, isecure,pccharge, wintix) credit card processor module

  4. cc_error_tolerance = 3 // number of tries a customer has to attempt cc processing per session

  5. cc_login = “” // login used to access credit card processor. Note: the cc_login and cc_key are necessary if you intend to collect money. Fortunately, they are easy to generate. Go into your Authorize.net ‘Virtual terminal’ and you can do it there.

  6. cc_key = “” // key or password for using with login. . .

// Reporting Options – what to include as options available

  1. lRemarks = “TRUE”

  2. lDateSold = “TRUE”

  3. lAddress = “TRUE”

  4. lPhone = “TRUE”

  5. lEmail = “TRUE”

  6. lTixPrnDate = “TRUE”

  7. lPricesFormat = “TRUE”

// Length of time for determining release of abandoned pending records

  1. releasePending = “20 minutes”

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