Allowing Webtix to move seats

(Last Updated On: )

When patrons select seats through Webtix, there is a setting that allows Webtix to move the seats if it creates a single, unsold seat between sold seats. You can either use this feature or turn it off.

  • In Wintix, go to Show | Edit a show | <choose show and performance> |  Edit a chart button.
  • Click on Data. if you wish to disable this feature, uncheck the box labeled Allow Webtix to move the seat choices.

So, when would you not want Webtix to move the seats? When the seats are laid out in a pattern that Webtix does not understand. These are things like theatres in the round, arenas, cabarets, churches (with a crucifix seating plan) and wings of a balcony.




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