Season package receipts with and without attached performances

(Last updated on: December 17, 2020)

You can create a receipt for season packages that either show the single events attached to the package or just the season package transaction.

When you want to run a receipt that includes the season package transaction along with the single events attached to the season package:

  • Select the Sales for <date> radio button.
  • Select the Custom report format radio button.
  • Select receiptwithhistory.frx from the drop down menu.

  • Here is an example of what the receipt looks like.

  • If you don’t want the single events to print with the season package receipt, follow the directions above and select receiptwithouthistory.frx.

  • Here is an example of how this receipt looks without the events listed.

  • The receipt will look quite different if you select the standard default receipt.frx for just one sale.

  • Here is an example of how it looks.

  • Another choice is to use the standard default receipt.frx for sales for the day for the specific patron sale. Here is how that looks.

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