How to back up Wintix and find your backup

(Last updated on: June 27, 2023)

Center Stage Software backs up all our clients’ Wintix data every day, as long as we host your data.

Some of our clients need to have a local backup of their database.

To run a backup, go to Tools | Backup | Backup data, and when your backup has finished, you will see a message like this:

How do you find your backup after you’ve run it? It goes to C:\Wintix6\Output.


There are at least two ways to find it.

  • Go to Computer | C drive | Wintix6 | Output
  • Or use File Explorer
    • The File Explorer program is located in Windows | All Programs | Accessories.  The programs are listed in alphabetical order. Look for File Explorer. Once you find it, click on the program.  A list of folders will appear showing what files are located on your C drive.  Look for Wintix6\Output.
  • You should be able to see a backup file that will list the name of the backup with today’s date, date modified, Type of file and size:  If the file size is only 1KB, then you didn’t get a good backup.  You should have a much larger file.
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