Seat not attaching to sale?

(Last updated on: May 11, 2017)

Very rarely, there will be the case where seats are not properly attached to a sale.  Subsequently, the seats, originally chosen for sale, are sold later to another patron.

Fortunately, we have procedures to check on a daily basis to catch these rare occurrences.  Please follow the instructions below. The Daily sales report as well as the Integrity report will show any seats that are not attached to any sales transaction.

We may be hosting your data or you may be connected to a different remote server. Sometimes, the internet connection to the remote server may disconnect for a split second, kind of like when your lights flicker. This is enough time for the transaction to separate from the seating chart.  That is why we recommend you check the bottom of your sales report daily.

We would suggest you run an Integrity Report as often as you feel it necessary to catch any sales that may have an incorrect number of seats attached to it and be able to correct the issue before the seats have been re-sold.

Here is a link to a page on our online help desk with more information on running the Integrity Report.

You can also find any sales with an incorrect number of seats on the chart by running a daily sales report.

  • Go to Reports | By day | Sales.
  • At the bottom of the report, IF there are sales with an incorrect number of seats on a chart, they will be listed.
  • This same information can also be found on the bottom of the  Reports | By show | Run of show and Reports | By show | Single performance.
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