Get a report on who is attending a performance, what seats they have, and contact information

(Last updated on: May 11, 2017)

It’s a few days before a performance and you want to contact all the ticket buyers to remind them the performance is coming up. That’s a great way to build your relationship with your patrons, so here is an easy way to do a get a report that includes:

  • All the names of people attending
  • Their seat numbers
  • Their email address
  • Their phone number

In Wintix, go to:

  • Reports | Other reports | Export email.
  • An Exporting email addresses screen will appear.
  • Choose output type as either Spreadsheet or DBF file.
  • Click on the Select by show or performance tab.
  • Choose the show/performance.
  • Click on the Fields to export tab and choose the fields Name, Email, Phone and ‘remarks’ (which is where the seat list will be).
  • Uncheck the boxes that say Skip records with a blank email address and Include only records that have opted in.

export email 2

  • Click on the Edit the query tab
  • Change the highlighted text below customer.remarks to mainsale.remarks

customer remarksmainsale remarks

  • Then click Export list.
    • NOTE: Screen shot below is how it displays as a spreadsheet


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