Returning patrons can retrieve their customer information in Webtix through their email address

(Last updated on: May 27, 2014)

Returning patrons who buy tickets online through Webtix can look up and auto-populate their customer information by searching by their email address (and password if they entered one).

Not only is this convenient for your patrons, but it helps reduce customer duplications in Wintix, which happens if customers enter their name differently each time (ie. John Smith vs. John A. Smith).

If a patron is a returning online customer, to retrieve their saved customer information, they must have the same email address and password they used when creating (saving) that information to your database.

  • When purchasing a ticket online, after choosing the show/performance/seats/price categories – you come to the ‘getname.php’ page.
  • The top portion of the getname.php page displays the show info, the cart total, etc.
  • There is a field labeled “Retrieve your information by Email address”.  See screen shot below.

look up by email

  • THIS is for returning online customers.
    • They would enter the email address they used when they first purchased.
    • They would enter the password they used when they first purchased.
    • NOTE: The password field can be left blank, so if it was left blank (either by purposely or by overlooking it) they would need to leave it blank to log in the next time they want to purchase).
  • If the customer has never purchased online before, then they would proceed to fill in all fields in the bottom portion of the page that are marked with an asterisk (*). (see 2nd screen shot below)
  • NOTE: The bottom of the bottom portion of the page has a field for an email address, which is mandatory and a field for a password.  This is where you set your password – which you can leave blank if you choose – or re-set it if you’ve purchased before and want to change your password.

new webtix customer


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