Run a donation report on one person for a certain period of time

(Last updated on: October 19, 2015)

  • In Wintix, go to Reports | Other reports | Export Email
    • In the Mailing list name field – put the name and location you’d like for this file
    • Output file type – your choice
    • UNcheck the box labeled Skip records with a blank email address
    • UNcheck the box labeled Include only records that have opted in
    • On the tab labeled Select by sale date:
      • Check the box labeled Custom search
        • In the field box, choose LAST
        • In the operator box, choose equals
        • In the value box, type the customer’s last name

    • Click on the tab labeled Fields to export
      • Choose the fields you want to show on your report
        • Make sure you choose Mainsale.donation as one of your choices (see screen shot)
  • The last step before exporting your list is:
    • You MUST click on the tab labeled Edit the Query (that creates the query to send to your database)
  • Click on Export list
  • You will get a listing of all sales that customer has donated.  You can then total the spreadsheet column for donations

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