Webtix6 release 2011.08.20

Code modifications include:
1) Enhanced payment modules so customer is pre-informed of what payment gateway they will be forwarded to.
2) Enhanced Authorize.net SIM payment module regarding PRIOR-AUTH-CAPTURE method.
3) Enhanced RTT-client to function with latest features of RTT rel 2011.08.03 (now with RTT v6 support).
4) Added the enhanced ability of “Special Form Options”.  Form options can now be configured via XML data to require input, require specific input type, and collect specific input per ticket.  (Configuring this feature currently requires knowledge of XML, because no administrative graphical interface has yet been developed.)
5) Enhanced purchase interface to better handle both small and large screens.
6) Enhanced the customer login interface.

Files Updated Since Webtix6 release 2011.06.03:

  • admin.php
  • preprocess.php
  • checkout.php
  • customer.php
  • tickets.php
  • _media/customer-default.css
  • _media/customer-compact.css
  • _includes/class_Reserve.php
  • _includes/module_payment/class_Reserve_paypal_nossl.php
  • _includes/module_payment/class_Reserve_isecure_nossl.php
  • _includes/module_payment/class_Reserve_cashnet_nossl.php
  • _includes/module_payment/class_Reserve_authorize_nossl.php
  • _includes/page_header.php
  • _includes/config_template.php
  • _includes/lib_abbrRegion.php
  • _includes/libf_domainSeatOk.php
  • _includes/display_selectoptions.php
  • _includes/display_selectdelivery.php
  • _includes/display_selectseats_bchart.php
  • _includes/display_selectseats_ichart.php
  • _includes/display_selecttix_bchart.php
  • _includes/display_selecttix_ichart.php
  • _includes/display_selecttix_nochart.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/lib_rtt.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/display_selectseats_bchart.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/display_selectseats_ichart.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/display_selecttix_bchart.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/display_selecttix_ichart.php
  • _includes/module_admin_rtt/display_selecttix_nochart.php
  • _includes/lib.php
  • _includes/test_version.php
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