(Last updated on: March 15, 2021)
You need to speak a little SQL here. The process is called a query. Queries are wonderfully flexible and horribly complicated. Entire books have been written on the subject.
- Here is the query to give you a list of everyone who had more than five purchases.
select count( mainsale_id ) as salecount, sum(total_sale) as total_money, customer.first, customer.last, customer.title, customer.company, customer.address, customer.city, customer.state, customer.zip, customer.phone from mainsale left join customer on customer.customer_id=mainsale.customer_id group by customer.customer_id having salecount > 5 order by salecount
- Get into this section by going to Mailing list | Generate a mailing list | Email export.
- Go to the Edit the query tab.
- Copy and past the query above into the Edit the query box and click on Run this query.