“Buy Tickets” button link should read “https” NOT “http”

(Last updated on: June 20, 2018)

If you have not done so already, please make sure that the quick link/buy tickets button that takes your patrons to your Webtix site is updated to read “https” instead of “http.”

In other words, if your “buy tickets” button is directing to http://tix5.centerstageticketing.com/sites/<name of your theatre> or http://tix4.centerstageticketing.com/sites/<name of your theatre>, you must change your “buy tickets” button to be directed to
https://tix4.centerstageticketing.com/sites/<name of your theatre> or                        https:// tix5.centerstageticketing.com/sites/<name of your theatre>.

There are a few very important reasons to do this.

  • Center Stage Software is constantly improving its online payment interface. Thanks to changes in PCI compliance, your online patrons will now be able to complete their purchase completely within the Webtix shopping cart, instead of being routed to Authorize.net.

This will eliminate shopping cart time out issues.

  • Our programming team can’t make that upgrade for you until that “s” is added. The “s” in “https” means that your Webtix site is secure and has an SSL certificate.

Meanwhile, you can learn more about what this means to your Webtix shopping cart here.

  • You might want to get a free SSL certificate for your regular website, too. It used to be you wanted that “s” and lock icon to do e-commerce. But, as an incentive, Google will now give better search placements for non-ecommerce websites that are secure.

If you need help or have questions, please contact us.

Once you have changed your Webtix link to “https,” please let us know so we can upgrade your shopping cart.”

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