How to change the clerk after a sale has been done

(Last updated on: July 25, 2016)

If a ticket has been sold by one clerk, but another clerk needs to edit the sale, it’s a good idea to change the clerk so that the record reflects the correct person who edited it.

The clerk does need to have permission to do so, however.

NOTE: The System Administrator or Box Office Manager are the only people who can add clerks and modify permissions. Click here to learn how to require passwords.

      • The System Administrator or Box Office Manager needs to go to Tools | Passwords | Edit the list of users.
      • Highlight the clerk you want and click the Permissions button.

permissions 3

  • Check the box:
  • Once the box has been checked, click on Save settings.
  • Exit out of Wintix.
  • The clerk needs to login using login and password
  • Go to Sales | Sales records and find the sale that needs to be edited
  • See clerk field below:

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  • Next, click on the down arrow of the Clerk field and highlight the correct clerk’s name.
  • Proceed with the editing of the sale.

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  • Once the changes have been made, click on OK.
  • Go back and edit the sale, and see which name is in the clerk’s field.

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  • Just for fun – in the transaction, click on the Other Information tab | Audit trail button.audit 2
  • Wintix keeps track of the changes in the transaction.

clerk 6

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