How to determine how many people haven’t bought tickets in a certain time frame

(Last updated on: May 11, 2017)

One of our clients asked:

I’m trying to find a way to run a report to see who has not bought any tickets in the last 3 years, rather than going through 2,800 + people one by one. Could you please help me with this?

Here is the solution…you can apply this to any date range.

  • In Wintix, go to Reports | By Day | Sales Report.
  • Choose a date range (our example started with the year 2000 and ended with today’s date).
  • Choose to run the report to a DBF file.
  • Give it a unique name in the Ouput File field.
  • Click the Run the report button.

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  • A yellow box will appear showing you how many records were found.
    You’ll have four choices.  Choose #4 – Cancel.

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  • You’ll now be back to the Report by day for all sales screen.
  • Change the starting date to whatever date you want.
  • Leave the ending date today’s date.
  • Change the Output file name to another unique name.
  • Run the report.
  • When the yellow box comes up, click #4 – Cancel.
  • Now close the Report by day for all sales window.
  • Go to Mailing List|Utilities|Compare 2 files (subtraction).
  • In the left column, choose the wide open report with sales for the longest date range.
  • In the right column, for our example, we chose the 2012-2015 date range report.

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  • Read the Warning.  That will explain what happens when you compare the files.
  • Note, the permanent change is only for the DBF file you ran, not your database.
  • You will be left with a DBF file with only those patrons who purchased before 2012, but not since 2012.
  • The DBF file can be opened with Microsoft Excel and saved as a spreadsheet.
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