How to know if someone has made a donation online through Webtix

(Last updated on: December 5, 2014)

There are several ways you can get this information.

1. First, if you’re getting a copy of the Webtix receipt for each sale that’s done online, that information is in the emailed receipt.  The screen shot below is an example of a receipt showing the donation.

donation 10
You can run a few different reports to get that information, depending on if you want it by show or by day, etc.

2. The best way is to run a report showing donations for Webtix sales only

  • Go to Reports|By day|Clerk|Report for 1 clerk
  • Choose your date range
  • Choose Webtix as the clerk

webtix clerk

  • Run the report

donations3. Another way is to go to Reports|By show|Pay type

  • You can choose either the run of show or single performance
  • Choose the payment type you use for Webtix in the drop down list

internet 2

  • Run the report

donations 2

  • 4. Go to Reports|By day|Pay type|One pay type
  • Choose the payment type you use for Webtix

internet 3

  • Run the report

internet 4

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