Print all tickets for all shows/performances associated with a season package

(Last updated on: February 23, 2016)

You can either bring up each sale record and print them that way, or choose one of the following methods to print the tickets you wish to print in a more efficient manner:

Method 1

  • In Wintix, go to Sales | Sales records. Bring up your sale number for the season package you want to print (don’t bring up the season package sale transaction, bring up the first sale record for a show within that season package sale for that customer).
  • In the Printing tickets window, click on All tickets for this account.  That will bring up every sale/ticket that this customer has purchased.  Put a check mark beside only the tickets you want to print now.
  • Click Print.  Only the tickets you designated to print by checking/unchecking the appropriate boxes as instructed above will print.

print tickets


print tickets2

Method 2

  • Go to Tools | Ticket printing | Print tickets for a day. A Window that says Printing tickets for a range of dates comes up.
  • On the Show selection tab, choose your starting and ending date.
  • Choose either Only unprinted tickets or All tickets.
  • Choose Chronological order or Last and first name order.
  • On the Printing options tab,  choose to limit records to A range of sale records.
  • Enter your starting sale and ending sale number.
  • Under Which tickets, choose only Unprinted tickets.
  • Click on Print tickets.
  • A Window will come up prompting you to print the tickets/labels/receipts, etc.



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